Saturday, February 13, 2016

We Heart Maryland BLOG HOP

What better reason to come out of semi-blog-retirement (AKA letting life get in the way of posting for weeks on end) than a blog hop with FREEBIES and GIVEAWAYS?!

Do you need any more reasons to realize that Maryland teachers are down right AWESOME? We have 10 freebies and 10 giveaways for you to hop around to! On each blog you will find a freebie only available during the blog hop, a Rafflecopter to enter for a giveaway, and a button to hop on over to the next blog! Not to mention you will see a different reason to heart Maryland on each blog!

How do I pick only ONE reason I love Maryland? Between the crabs, Old Bay seasoning, and beaches everywhere you turn, everything about Maryland just feels like home to me! I have lived in Maryland for my entire life and couldn't even begin to imagine living anywhere else.

As strange as it may sound, the number one thing I love about Maryland is the flag.

Yes. I actually do have the Maryland flag on the wall of my office. If that isn't Maryland pride, I don't know what is!

Not to mention, I have the Maryland flag on multiple articles of clothing.

This may seem ridiculously weird to a lot of people, but here in Maryland it is completely normal to put your state flag on anything and everything! I swear!
Now that I have bragged about my state a little, it is time for a FREEBIE!

February is one of my favorite months! Between Valentine's Day, President's Day, and the 100th day of school, there is plenty going on all month long! I personally know that months like this can be crazy so any timesavers for the classroom are appreciated!

I don't know about you but designing cute task cards for math, language, or reading can take FOREVER! These February Editable Task Card Templates will allow you to create task cards for any subject in the blink of an eye! Just click the image below to snag your FREE set of 3 templates perfect for the month of February! [NOTE: The freebie is no longer available. It was only available during the time of the blog hop]
Please note that these templates are for personal use only. This freebie is ONLY available during the blog hop from February 13, 2016 - February 20, 2016.
If you like this freebie, you will LOVE my giveaway!
I am happy to announce that I am giving away the full set of my Monthly Editable Task Card Templates! This full set includes 3 themed templates for each month plus 3 bonus surprise templates that are not available anywhere else!
It's a $36 value that could be yours for FREE! Enter for your chance to win using the Rafflecopter below! 
That is only ONE of the 10 freebies and giveaways! Hop on over to see what Cheryl loves about Maryland! Don't forget to keep hoping until you have entered for a chance to win all 10 giveaways!


  1. You're totally right...we sure do love our flag because it's straight up awesome!

    Glad to have found a fellow Maryland blogger!

    Shafer's Shenanigans

  2. The flag has grown on me but I would agree that not many people enjoy their state flag like us! Your blog is cute and I am glad to have another Maryland blogger to follow! Hope we can all meet up sometime! ~Amanda

  3. LOVE my Maryland gear!! I have quite a few things with the Maryland flag on them and I love it!! Love your freebie! Thank you!
    ~Heather :)

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  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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